Someone once said: 'if you can't sell beef mince, you can't be a butcher' It's true, and it's worth doing right! Organic Farm Butchery select full flavored cuts from the shoulder, shin and flank. They trim the excessive fat and any tough bits, aiming for about 90% lean beef. The mince is low in moisture so won't 'boil' in the pan and just 500g will easily feed a family of four.
Organic Farm's mission: to make organic meat available to as many people as possible. Alongside this mission, we also wanted to encourage other farms to take up Organic Certification. People are becoming aware that organic foods are just better for you because they don’t contain any synthetic additives, growth hormones, GMOs, chemicals, or antibiotics. Simply put, you are what you eat, so it pays to know who grows your food and what it contains.